Miss You With Angel Wings, He's Around

Norman Smith
Norman Smith Chicago
Norman Smith Bellevue WA

Norm Smith Artist, Adventurer, Blizzard Walker, Brother, Friend

After a knockdown dragout battle against cancer, artist, teacher, adventurer and blizzard walker Louis Norman Smith rocketed himself out of here at midnight on Aug. 18, 2008.

His creativity, generosity, love of friends, nature, and life endeared him to us all. Norm freely shared his talents, his food, and his listening. He had the art of chat down and was never in a hurry. He wasn't hung up on money, but rather shared it and always seemed to have what he needed. Normie was able to live in the moment, which is reflected in his art and relationships. No matter what his age, he kept the energy and wonderment of a child. Obituary by friend and author Karen Seashore Read More...

Norm with Family and Friends!



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Lives On


In Our Hearts!

Thank you Norm!
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